About Cody Craven

profile picture of Cody Craven

Cody enjoys sharing tidbits of information that he learns through his life-long journey developing websites and configuring web servers.

When at work, Cody can often be found banging his head against his keyboard for hours days weeks-on-end trying to solve technical issues that would otherwise prevent his teammates from creating Member value at AAA.

All content that Cody contributes to this site are his own ideas and do not necessarily represent AAA's positions or opinions.

Posts by Cody


Using Gzip to create .gz files

Compressing files from the terminal doesn’t need to be a magical combination of options. Learn all the basics of Gzip with examples.


Docker for development: or how I learned to stop worrying and love onboarding

Onboarding new developers is time consuming and hard. Everyone has unique quirks on their machine from past software/configuration they’ve installed, removed, or overridden that makes creating consistent environment setup guides an absolute nightmare. This is how I overcame many of the issues—and you can too—by adopting Docker for development.